About us

The sales and service of Autortail products is been done by SmartTech Nepal Pvt Ltd, which is established in 2015. Autorail Nepal deals with wide range of the automated motorized curtain | Blind | Skylight blinds. We make all kinds of motorized products according to your need and size. The main products of Autorail are
. Curtain Motors for Normal curtain
. Curtain Motors for Hollow ring (eye channel) curtain
. Curain Tracks – normal (Muja wala)
. Curain Tracks – Hollow ring
. Accessories like – Belt, Idler unit, runner, Track joiner (180/120/90 degree)
. Lift Curtain Motor
. Lift Curtain tube, lifter (20ft), brackets, Joiner
. Roller Blind Motor
. Zebra (Rainbow) Blind Motor
. Blind tube, other accessories
. Honeycomb Skylight Track, Aluminum Cover, Belt, other accessories
. Honeycomb Skylight Motor
. Honeycomb Fabric
. Remote Control | Wireless Curtain Switch | Wired Curtain Switch

Our Vision and Mission is to establish a culture of adapting new technology into our daily life with much more security, Comfort and style. Our motto is to provide Automation Products and services not only in high level of Business organization but also in small household. We believe in our clients to use the products as much in details as possible rather than just to install it once. We not only sell the products but also try to support/instruct our clients to try DIY (Do It Yourself).

Our office is in Jyatha and the main showroom and assembling factory is in Swayambhu, Bhagwan Pau. Please follow this link for google map